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About Me

Raised bed gardens are becoming more and more popular for growing herbs. 

 Above Ground Growers is all about building raised bed gardens and growing herbs for better health.


Ever since I became an RN I have become increasingly more interested in health.

I remember one day while passing meds to my patients I began to wonder why people have side effects with medications.  I mean we all know there are side effects, but because of faith in our doctors and our health system, we just never give any it any thought---it's expected and we just live with it.  


I remember looking at the side effects of a certain cholesterol med (I won't name it), and reading about how cholesterol meds achieve the desired result, I quickly realized it's just not natural.  Our bodies were not meant to be manipulated that way.   


Then I remembered a verse in the Bible:  Genesis 1:29  God said, "See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food.


So began my journey on learning everything I could about herbs and all the health benefits that they provide to us.  


We are all made from the earth, so it stands to reason that we must return to the earth to give our bodies the proper nutrition to stay healthy.  God has given us what we need in herbs, fruits and vegetables.  I mean.... Thank goodness, I guess he could have just had us eat dirt! Yuck!

I would much rather eat fruits, vegetables, herbs that He has provided us!

In this blog I am giving you what I have learned on how to build raised bed gardens and maintaining them. You will also learn how to grow a variety of herbs and their health benefits.  




Thanks for stopping by!










Tom and Jamie Hutchison
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